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HK-9 Dog Training | P.C.T.A. Dog Trainer Course

P.C.T.C.Professional Canine Trainer Course

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Professional Training In-depth Experience
The 1st Professional Canine Trainer Course 2008





[Course Philosophy and Purpose]

Promoting the importance of starting dog training with knowledge is the main focus of P.C.T.A. Professional Dog Trainer Association over the years. The foundation of dog training is the process of building trust between the trainer and the dog through positive communication, rather than a brutal game after the dog's behavior deteriorates! Therefore, to become a true dog trainer, one must understand everything behind the growth and development of dogs, and recognize their needs as the basis of training.

Trainers who understand dog needs are also mentors for dogs and working dog users, and have a responsibility to assist or remind them to maintain positivity, ensuring safety during training or on duty. Hence, professional dog trainers must have a certain level of canine knowledge and relevant experience, clear and correct animal husbandry concepts, understand the survival and learning methods of dogs at different stages, and even their lethal potential, in order to carry out positive and effective training.

Hong Kong needs more excellent and dedicated dog trainers. The Professional Dog Trainer Program [Blue Badge Course] is a comprehensive group course for working dog trainers, aiming to cultivate more positive dog trainers, professionalize Hong Kong's working dog training, break away from the era when working dogs were only known in name, and hope that more dogs receive positive care and reasonable treatment, enhancing the value of dogs' lives is our lifelong career.

The Blue Badge Course has never focused on quantity over the years! The number of students in each class is limited to 10, and each student must communicate with the tutor before enrolling to make sure they understand the nature of the course. The application deadline is three months before the start date.



Complete Learning Starts with Positivity

The 2nd Professional Canine Trainer Course 2009







[Course Nature and Advantages]

Throughout the Professional Dog Trainer Program, we will do our best to provide all the knowledge, skills, and experience related to working dog training, as well as venues, facilities, and even working-bred puppies, so that students can get the most complete learning elements, experience the career of a professional dog trainer from learning, and learn along with the growth of the puppies. This six-month-long program covers a wide range of comprehensive topics, allowing each student to understand the various problems and needs arising from the physical and mental development of dogs during their growth stages, and to gain a deep understanding of true positive dog training from multiple perspectives of information, theory, and practice.

Complete learning is the unique and consistent teaching model of the Blue Badge Course. Each session of the Blue Badge Course starts by selecting the most suitable working-bred puppies, and using six months of class time to cultivate them step by step into a working dog capable of bearing responsibilities. In the process, students must participate in every detail, such as daily physical and mental care, record-keeping, socialization training, obedience training, work awareness training, etc. The training period involves a large number of different topics, including: canine senses, the impact of surrounding people and environments on them, trainer ethics, training venues, facilities, and kennel management, etc., so that each student can get the most authentic knowledge in the course.

Since the first Blue Badge Course in 2008, adjustments have been made every year to improve the course. Before the pandemic, we had already built a new school for the Blue Badge Course, with a new mode, new content, and more information for students to better grasp the direction of training. At the same time, we added outbound experiences outside of Hong Kong, opportunities to observe international standard training competitions, FCI international training inspector competition knowledge sharing (outside Hong Kong), observation and experience of internationally-aligned training centers (outside Hong Kong), and a course that includes working dog training assistant. We have always received support from training teams in different regions, making the Blue Badge Course more professional.

Course Notes:
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, open to both men and women are welcome.
Participants do not need any experience in owning or training dogs
The course requires a large amount of outdoor time and exposure to sunlight
This activity is not suitable for people with weak physical health or long-term illnesses
This course does not accept private applications from any disciplinary forces


For information on course certificates, student qualifications recognition, and course details, please click the link below.





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Professional Canine Trainer Association

Certificate of Registration of a Society No.:REF.CP/LIC/SO/19/37298

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