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Dog Training Consultation Service

Tel:+852 2488 0966



Your Bridge

HK-9 Dog Training

Dogs are man's best friend

Are humans dogs' best friends? Why haven't we heard of this before! Please do not ignore dog behavior issues, because they are your family members and a part of your life. Living in harmony with your dog at home is essential. If they have never been properly taught or cared for, expecting them to automatically adapt to their owner or home life is just an ignorant way of thinking! It's not difficult for a puppy to grow up healthy, obey its owner, and get along with the family.

Before bringing a puppy home, it is important to understand their needs and recognize your responsibilities. This is the correct concept. Before bringing them home, gather some basic information about the puppy, such as their temperament, physical characteristics, lifestyle, care, and teaching methods. Discuss the shared responsibility and time allocation for taking care of the puppy with your family. Contact a trusted veterinarian and dog trainer in advance, as they can provide more valuable experience and guidance. Only after all preparations are made should you select a puppy – this is a good start.

If you want to adopt a dog, you should seek assistance from more experienced people, understand the negative consequences of adoption, assess the risks you can bear, and spend more time observing the dogs waiting to be adopted. Adopting animals using the correct methods and safe procedures is the real way to help them.

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With healthy activities, proper care, and the right guidance, puppies will naturally integrate into our lives. As for how to minimize the chances of illness, accidents, unruly behavior, and hostility towards other animals during a dog's growth period, this is an ongoing issue. It's not something that can be resolved with a single health check or hobby class, because puppies are growing every day, and both good and bad things have a chance to happen. Therefore, a trusted veterinarian and trainer are essential insurance for your beloved dog.

If owners encounter any problems with dog interaction or training, please feel free to call us for detailed consultation on dog-related issues. We are happy to help dog owners solve their relationship problems with their dogs as soon as possible, because dog trainers are essentially "the bridge" between dogs and their owners.

Dog training is our profession; integrating dogs into human society is our expertise; helping owners gain more control over their beloved dogs is our job; preventing dogs from being abandoned is our responsibility; protecting the value of a dog's life is the reason we engage in training; and enhancing the value of a dog's life is our mission.



Professional Canine Trainer Course Blue Patch



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Pet Owner's Comment



K-9 Security Service



Professional Canine Trainer Course Yellow Patch


Pet Trainer Course


Professional Canine Trainer Course green Patch



Canine Trainer Course











Professional Canine Trainer Association

Certificate of Registration of a Society No.:REF.CP/LIC/SO/19/37298

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