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Guard Dog Provided


Management Services


For further information : please call +852 2488 0966




Guard Dog ServiceGuard Dog Service


Carver Kennel was founded in 1993 which is a branch of K-9 Training Centre,This K-9 training centre is the 1st centre in Hong Kong and provide guard dog serviceplus where was a training field especially for professional guard dog training in 1995. Our guard dog services served Japanese Consulate General's residencerave partiesconstruction sitesprivate villasprivate residential, jewelry exhibition etc. Besides the above mentionedour guard dog services also furnish management programs for commercial and residential areas such as : Hong Kong DisneylandConstellation CoveResidence Bel-Air and major security companies. Our partners all are well-known professional security company in Hong Kongcome from years of work experienceso we understand the professional importance, with formal and professional guard dog service and teamnot only improve the security benefitsbut also enhance the company's image.Guard dog services are comprehensivefrom planning, implementationmanagementwith knowledgetechnology even facilities are equipped.



Guard Dog ServiceGuard Dog ServiceGuard Dog Service


Guard dog service is not just a general task for selling,but there are many issues must need to be considerated seriously before using such as:

1. The living space and surrounding environment for the guard dog,the concern involves their lives,the regulations against their protection in Hong Kong,the long-term environmental hygienic problem and the safety of the third party

2. Is there any formal training or experience in the management deputy,the issue involves the safety of the management group and guard dog handler, the long-term monitor of dog's daily condition and the effectiveness of work

How all the above points develop are directly affected the institutional image.

We are welcome any enquiries from all the major institutions which are planning to use or implementation of guard dog service.




Guard Dog Service 日本駐港總領事官邸Guard Dog Service 警衛犬保安員在職訓練Guard Dog Service 前美麗華酒店警衛犬隊


Services category :


Provide a planning scheme for guard dog teams establishment and management

Monitoring of Guard dogs used and regular consultancy services

Kennels management improvement and consultancy services

Formal training certificate courses for Guard Dog Security Guard

Upgrade training certificate courses for under employment Guard Dog Security Guard

Purchasing suitable dog along with a training for working

Assessment of Dog health and ability

Working test for Guard dog

Working exercises for Guard dog

Professional design for kennel


Professional Canine Trainer Course Blue Patch



Canine Trainer Course



Helper Dog Training

Pet Course



C.G.C. Program



SAR K-9 Training



FSD Canine Unit



Chun Feng Dog Training



Groovy Woof Dog Training



Michelle Dog Training



Ken Dog Training



Pet Owner's Comment



K-9 Security Service



Professional Canine Trainer Course Yellow Patch


Pet Trainer Course


Professional Canine Trainer Course green Patch



Canine Trainer Course











Professional Canine Trainer Association

Certificate of Registration of a Society No.:REF.CP/LIC/SO/19/37298

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